Bus Driver
Ilulissat Services Aps
Ikkunneqarpoq: 05-02-2025
Piffissaq atuuffissaa naassaaq: 28-02-2025
Suliffissamut ID normut: 331601505
Atorfeqarnermi atugassarititaasut: Tamakkiisoq
Suliassaqarfik: Assartuussineq & ingerlasussanik piareersaaneq, Allat
Atorfiup taaguutaa: Buschauffør
Misilittakkat - Annertunerusumik: Kørekort, bus (d), Buskørsel
Danskisut |
Atuarneq/ oqalunneq |
Tuluttut |
Atuarneq/ oqalunneq |
Bus Driver
*For extension purposes only
Short job description…
Company description…
Areas of work:
- Surveying of….
- Reporting to…
- Guidance of...
- Development, QA and Documentation….
- Review of…
- Cooperation with…
- Manufacturing of…
- Planninng of...
- Management of…
Work description (challenging, individual…)…
- Educated…
- Experienced with…
- Relevant courses like…
- (Economic) insight….
- Experience from…
- IT experience and…
- Knowledge of….
- Working time is … hours pr. week.
Salary og terms:
(Salary - and terms, here under the right to travel and relocation expenses, in accordance with the applicable contractual agreement between the Government of Greenland and the relevant organization.)
(Accommodation is not supplied with this position. If the applicant already have accommodation through a current position in the Government of Greenland, the right to this accommodation is preserved. This right expires and the accommodation must be evacuated when the position is terminated.)
Final application date is xx. xxxxxx 20xx
Interviews is expected to be held as soon as possible.
If you wish to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact: (insert name, mobil/phone, e-mail)
(If you want to know more about Greenland, see here: