Malugiuk atorfimmut allagarsiissutaasumut matumunnga piffissaliussaq naareerpoq! Atorfimmut allagarsiissutaasumut qinnuteqarnissamut piffissaliussaq qaangiutereerpoq, aammalu atorfik qinnuteqarfigineqarsinnaajunnaareerppoq. Allagarsiussaq innersuussivittuinnaq takutinneqarpoq.

Miner / Equipment Operator
THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU Mining Services Greenland
Ikkunneqarpoq: 15-01-2025
Piffissaq atuuffissaa naassaaq: 09-02-2025
Suliffissamut ID normut: 331601104
Atorfeqarnermi atugassarititaasut: Tamakkiisoq
Suliassaqarfik: Aatsitassanut suliassaqarfik
Atorfiup taaguutaa: Minearbejder
Misilittakkat - Annertunerusumik: Betonreparation, Anlægsmaskiner, Minearbejde
The THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU Group implements technologically demanding projects worldwide in the fields of mining, lateral development, mine water drainage, shaft sinking, drilling as well as construction and real estate.
To strengthen our team in southern Greenland, THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU Mining Services Greenland is looking for a qualified person to start as soon as possible as
Your tasks:
Under the supervision of the Underground Foreman, the primary role of the Miner / Equipment Operator is to perform the activities with respect to all facets of an underground mining and lateral development operation.
- Cycle a full round of advance according to the mining plan, following geology control for minimum dilution.
- Construct and maintain underground installations as face advances.
- Operate mobile equipment including Jumbo, Scooptram, Mine Truck and miscellaneous equipment of a similar nature.
- Must be able to comprehend written and verbal instructions as required to perform his duties in a safe and efficient manner.
- You have completed vocational training as a Miner.
- Minimum of 3 years of experience in operating the above-mentioned equipment and work experience in an underground mining environment.
- Ability to multi task and work safely and effectively.
- Follow Company and Client health and safety standards.
- Work in accordance with local legislation
This distinguishes you:
- Flexibility to travel.
- Willingness to work and live at a remote camp.
- Work in shift system (night shift included).
- Flexibility and resilience.
10 positions open.
Our offer:
You can expect an interesting area of responsibility, which is also guaranteed in the future due to the increasing demand for raw materials and a cooperative team in a positive atmosphere. We offer performance-based payment.
Please send your online application, stating your salary expectations and possible starting date.